spiritual healing and guidance

It is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to abandon it.
— Pirke Avot (Ethics of the Fathers).

Spiritual Healing and Guidance sessions are available online or in-person.

Held within a ritual framework, this is a sacred space to step into the field of Spirit and allow what is waiting to emerge, to be seen and witnessed. It is a deep and potent container for alchemy and transformation to occur. Attuning to our Spirit Helpers and Guides, we co-create together to enable deep intuitive healing to happen.

The intention of these sessions is to engage with the big, beautiful questions of our times, and to understand how they are affecting you on an individual level.

Examples of relevant issues:

  • Big life transitions like separations, relationship dynamics or work decisions.

  • Chronic body pain, a puzzling physical ailment or a stubborn illness.

  • Grieving, loss and how to mourn.

  • Intuitive guidance for a particular question sitting on your heart.

  • Assistance in developing relationships with Spirit Helpers and Other-Than-Human Allies.

  • Seeking more depth, more intimacy and more magic in your life.

Using ritual and ceremony, these sessions may also include Chinese Medicine advice, and spiritual guidance and counselling. These 1:1 consultations will enable you to widen your view, regain balance and harmony, and find alignment within and without.

Each session is approximately an hour long and the exchange is $150 in person or $140 online.

Carefully observe the way towards which your heart draws you, then choose that way with all your strength.
— Martin Buber

frequently asked questions

 Are you a psychic or medium? Do you speak with the Dead?

Although I might be able to speak with the Dead, I don’t act as a psychic or medium in this work. My main goal is to help you establish a trusting relationship firstly with your Spirit Helper or Higher Power who then supports you to find an Ancestral Guide. With the help of this Spirit Helper, I support you to build a close, trusting and safe relationship with your Ancestral Guide. Ultimately it is your Spirit Helper and Ancestral Guide who do the work and determine the healing path.

What do I need to do to prepare for this work?

There are no prerequisites for this work, although having some desire to, or experience, working with Spirit Guides or Helpers and experience doing journey work, is helpful. Before we begin the direct process of healing your lineages, I check in with you whether you are connected to a Spirit Helper that you know and trust, and whether you have experience ‘journeying’. By this, I mean travelling into non-ordinary reality, or an altered state of consciousness, without the use of any mind-altering substances. If you haven’t got these skills yet, we work together to get you in touch with your intuitive skills and locate a Spirit Helper who is happy to work with you on this healing journey.

A great star will fall into my lap...
We would hold vigil tonight.
Praying in languages
That are carven like harps.
We would be reconciled tonight.
— Else Lasker-Schuler
Melissa is a wonderful and gifted practitioner of ancestral healing. Strongly connected to her people, she holds a powerful and safe space for your process. As a true medicine weaver she utilizes her knowledge of energy and intuitive healing to guide you step-by-step to connect with your loving and wise ancestors. Her approach is grounded yet spacious and allows for real magic to unfold. It is such a gift to sit with Melissa.
— Z.T, Healing Practitioner, Birth DoulaSource