Accessing wise council


services I offer:

Spirit Guides and Allies:

Using traditional journey techniques, I teach you useful skills in grounding, clearing and protection so that you can safely and easefully connect with those Beings who wish to provide you with insight and advice.


Resourcing with Healed Ancestors:

Turning towards those who are no longer embodied on Earth, we will journey together to weave connections with those in the Spirit Realm who are safe, radiant, vibrant and wise.


Compassionate Depossession from Unwanted Beings and Thought-Forms;

There are times we have a sense that there is some other being in our space that is clearly not ‘us’. There might be a feeling of being overshadowed, and we feel stuck or restrained in some way. This healing technique can safely and kindly separate any being that has entered into your field, and allow them to transition away from you, reestablishing your sovereignty and integrity.


Curse Unravelling, Oath and Vow Unwinding;

In this life, in another life, or perhaps in the life of your ancestors, a vow was made, an oath taken or a curse was placed on you. You might feel bound, knotted, restrained or constrained in some way. By unravelling the curse, vow or oath, you will feel a sense of relief, openness and freedom.


Death, Dying, Grief and Mourning: I support you in finding ways to move through these hard spaces with grace, ease and compassion.


The Voice of Spirit: I create a safe and sacred space for deep listening to receive guidance from my Spirit Guides and Allies and my Beloved Ancestors of Blood and Love. Together we will access the deep reserves of resource and insight to light you on your path.

In circle and healing, Melissa offers that rare and transformative mix of compassion, intuition, clear respectful communication and professionalism at all times.

Over the past 10 years of seeing Melissa, when receiving a treatment or sitting in circle I have always feel secure and held in unconditional compassion which has enabled deeper healing. A core part of every session which I think sets Melissa apart, is the chance for genuine dialogue and consultation - Melissa listens deeply. I always feel profoundly understood and seen.

Melissa has a huge breadth of expertise, across shamanism, counselling, story telling, magic and Buddhism/insight - and works with these traditions flexibly and responsibly to address whatever arises in a session. She is incisive and insightful in working with different modalities and has a clear passion for her work and developing her practice.

In terms of what I have gained, I have gained abundant insight. This insight can occur during sessions and it also arises after sessions as her profound work takes effect on my body, mind and soul. Through my experiences with Melissa I have especially benefited from her infectious compassion and acceptance - which has sparked a lasting practice for me of self compassion.

As a woman, Melissa’s dedication to the sacred work of women is deeply honouring and has provided a rich framework for me to understand major rites of passage in my womanhood and support other women wholeheartedly as they navigate their own life journey.
— R.Z. Government Policy Advisor
I just wanted to say thank you so much for such a beautiful and special experience last night. The energy was so divine and you bring such a genuine and authentic essence to your gatherings.
— Quote— D.G, Kinesiologist Source