Hello my name is Melissa and I am a Medicine Weaver ~ alchemical healer, ritualist and priestess. With gratitude and respect I live and work on Boon Wurrung and Dja Dja Wurrung Country in Melbourne, Australia. I am a Jewish witch, committed to the sacred mystery at the heart of all life.

Ancestral Lineage Healing. Ancestral Medicine

spiritual Healing and guidance

Held within a ritual framework, Spiritual Healing sessions are a sacred space to step into the field of Spirit and allow what is waiting to emerge, to be seen and witnessed. It is a deep and potent container for alchemy and transformation to occur. Attuning to our Spirit Helpers and Guides, we co-create together to enable deep intuitive healing to happen.

Soul tending sessions. Sacred circles. Ritual

Accessing wise council

Accessing Wise Council Sessions are a sacred space to connect with a realm of supportive Beings including Ancestors of Love and Lineage and Spirit Allies and Guides.

Sacred Circles are a way to participate in community rituals that celebrate life and weave the bonds of kinship tighter.

Events occur throughout the year and focus on outdoor rituals.

intuitive acupuncture

The ancient art and craft of acupuncture has a profound and unique capacity to bring about real, lasting transformation in our hearts, bodies and souls.

When it’s over, I want to say: all my life
I was a bride married to amazement.
I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.
— Mary Oliver
There was a time I couldn’t see the forest for the trees. That was nearly two years ago.
As soon as you’re in Melissa’s presence you know you are in a hallowed space. A space to grow and heal. The forest is clearer now, and a path has formed.
— J-A.C, Operations Manager, Child of Light